High Priest Halfgan Triplefang

Halfgan Triplefang is the High Priest of Pelor at Goldenpoint. He was the one who informed Eldress Elana that an idol had been stolen from the temple and requested that she send out a party to retrieve it. This is when our heroes were first gathered together. They succeeded in recovering the idol and brought it back to Goldenpoint, but didn't meet with Halfgan directly, speaking with Father Bardi Triplefang instead.

Later when our heroes rescued Arkus and safely returned him to Goldenpoint they finally did meet Halfgan briefly at the party thrown in their honor.

Halfgan is a very pious and businesslike old man. He is not small or frail, but his hair and beard have gone white. He is wise like the elders, possibly more-so. He is a practical man with a good mind for logistics and industry. He understands and values trade and has an interest in the ways of the Empire. Halfgan seldom leaves Goldenpoint, preferring to summon visitors to come see him at Goldenpoint instead.

halfgan.triplefang.txt · Last modified: 2014/11/11 13:22 (external edit)
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