Table of Contents


If Goldenpoint is the heart of the Triplefang lands, Silvergate is the head. It is the Triplefang's largest city and main port. This city is growing rapidly. Trade has increased. Irrigation and 'modern' crop techniques have transformed Silvergate's fields into production powerhouses. Fortifications are being built to protect the city as it become more and more important. All raids are launched from Silvergate.

The Merchants' Quarter has all manor of small shop from bakeries and butcher shops to tailors and armorers, to jewelers and dress makers, to alchemist and healers, to fortune tellers, gambling halls, and bordellos. Further west in town you find various warehouses and guildhalls. There is also a bank, barber and bath, stables and livery, blacksmith, a large inn marked by the sign of a crow, and even a school on the less crowded west side of town.

There is a temple of Harix in the armory near the city complete with its own tournament field.



Name Description
Zjord Empire Merchant
Claudius Empire Merchant
Flavius Empire Treasures Broker
Dothorex Flavius' Bodyguard
Oktel Triplefang Master Bowyer, Fletcher
Asbiorn Triplefang Berseker
Galm Triplefang Cropsmaster
Aunt Vera Triplefang Farmer
Dyson Triplefang Beekeper, Farmer
Anton Triplefang Raider Baladeer
Rana Triplefang Dancer
Gunder Triplefang Gambling Club Boss
Adeline Triplefang Merchant
Lothair Triplefang Raider, Guard
Nephen Triplefang Raider, Guard
Cardew Triplefang Shipbuilder
Caldis Triplefang Merchant, Broker
Dellingr Triplefang Raider
Ylsie Triplefang Apothecary, Barber
Henwas Triplefang Master Apothecary
Nealon Triplefang Alchemist
Annemarie Glassblower


1 West gate. Road to the docks, Armory, and Tournament Field
3 The Lead Weight Inn and Stable
6 Warehouses
13 Blacksmith and Armorer
14 Public Stables and Livery
15 Crow Inn
16 Public Well and Open Air Market
17 School
18 Residential
19 Merchants' Quarter
20 Elder Eloy Triplefang's Manor
23 Temple of Pelor
25 East Gate. Road to Volge and Goldenpoint
silvergate.txt · Last modified: 2017/11/10 16:36 by fritzholm
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